Azure Container Service in Action @ Docker Belgium & AZUG
More than 50 Docker and DevOps enthusiasts attended the Impromptu: Container Ops, from Pets to Cattle with DC/OS (w/ AZUG) hosted at Microsoft.
Azure Container Service in Action @ BigData.be
More than 50 Big Data and DevOps enthusiasts attended the 37th meetup - Mesosphere DC/OS and Apache Beam hosted at Microsoft.
Microsoft Advanced Analytics @ Data Science Ghent '16 meetup
Jeroen Bolle and I presented the Microsoft Advanced Analytics offerings at the Data Science Ghent second meetup. We talked on Azure, Cortana Intelligence, SQL Server, R, Python and gave a nice demo on Cognitive Services.
Spark on Azure: a Gentle Introduction at Cloudbrew '15
A gentle introduction to the world of Big Data and Spark. We are going to use Spark notebooks (Jupyter and Zeppelin), which are available on Azure HDInsight to demonstrate the ideal ad-hoc data analytics environment, right from within your browser. Apache Spark is the more or less successor to Hadoop, bringing both a batch and streaming execution model. Once the data is processed we will integrate Power BI on Apache Spark in an interactive way, to build a nice dashboard and visualize our insights.
#48 on Grey's The 150 Most Influential People in Big Data & Hadoop
According to greycampus.com I’m on spot #48 on the The 150 Most Influential People in Big Data & Hadoop. While I doubt the relevance of the list, it’s fun to see my name on it. ;-)